Monday, July 9, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

Thanks to Discovering Elsewhere for nominating me for the Liebster Blog Award! For this award, you have to share eleven facts about yourself, answer the eleven questions that the person nominated you made up, and then make up eleven more questions for your nominees. 

First, the facts!

1. I really love musical theatre and am currently playing Marian Paroo in The Music Man. 
2. One of my favorite books ever is Philippa Fisher and the Stone Fairy's Promise.
3. I got my friends hooked on preppy blogs when I discovered College Prep. Although they probably would have discovered it on their own anyway if it wasn't for me, haha.
4. I have a polyvore! (Warning: I go on when I get bored, which is why I have a few strange outfits on there....such as the one called "Chill")
5. I am really obsessed with the MBTI theory of the sixteen different personality types. 
6. I really don't like my hair color! I used to be blonde, then it got darker a year or two ago and now it is just weird. 
7. I like to do things at the last minute and like to have free time before doing any work. If it all gets done eventually then why does it matter?
8. I want my future home to look like Taylor Swift's apartment. 
9. I have recently written and recorded a song, which maybe I can figure out a way to post so you all can hear it!
10. I DON'T like One Direction. 
11. My favorite kind of music has a pop/country/acoustic/singer-songwriter feel. 

Now, for the eleven questions....

1. Why do you blog?
Because I think it's fun to share what I like and it pushes me to come up with something creative every day. 
2. What do you want to be when you grow up? I know that I want to do something creative and in the arts. I want to be a singer/songwriter, something in theatre, in fashion, or perhaps an ad designer since I love graphic design and coming up with slogans.

3. Why do you want to be those things?
Because I cannot do something involved with math/science. I am not a logical or technical person.

4. Do you have something that you're truly dedicated to? What/why/why not?
Well, I'm really dedicated to theatre. I love trying out for parts and I always enjoy every minute of being in the theatre. If the director makes us stay late or calls another practice, it really doesn't bother me at all.

5. What three things can you NOT live without?
1. Food 
2. Water 
3. Clothes

6. If there was one personality trait you would want to learn, what would it be? 
I would love to learn to be more open in expressing things with just anyone. I'm really slow opening up to people.

7. If time stopped, how would you take advantage of the situation? 
I would probably do something that you wouldn't have time to do in real time. I probably wouldn't do this personally, but if time stopped it would be a great time for scientists to travel to stars since you can't do that in real time!

8. What do you not like about someone else's writing? 
I don't like when the plot moves too slow and the story is basically about nothing.

9. Favorite song right now and WHY?
My favorite song never changes: it's always Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift.

10. Who inspires you the most and why?
Taylor Swift. I could go on and on to answer the "why" part of this question, so I will just say  that I think she's just perfect. Well, she's not perfect, which makes me like her even more, but long story short I just love everything about her, which makes her look perfect to me.

11. Do you have any advice to share with the people out there?
Try to do things out of your comfort zone. It will make you stronger and prevent you from regretting things later.

For MY eleven questions....

1. What is your favorite animal?
2. What will your future home look like?
3. Where do you want to live when you grow up?
4. Would you describe yourself as more logical and down to earth, or dreamy and idealistic?
5. If you could die your hair a different color, what would that color be?
6. What is the most expensive item you've ever splurged on?
7. What is your favorite movie?
8. What is your best subject in school?
9. Are you outgoing and social or quiet and reserved?
10. What is your favorite piece of clothing that you own?
11. Why did you decide to start blogging?

And here are the people I nominate!

1. Caroline at Citrus and Style
2. Chloe at The Preppy Diaries
3. Karlie at The Field Hockey Prep
4. Frannie at The Blonde Prep
5. Katie at Vintage Jewels
6. Zoe and Bella at Zobo and Bee
7. Kelsey at The High School Prep

1 comment:

  1. aww i was having fun reading your responses, and was so surprised when i saw my name at the bottom! thanks so much for nominating me, it means a lot!!
