Saturday, July 28, 2012

Guest Post: Caroline from Citrus and Style

Hey everyone! It's Caroline from Citrus and Style here and I am guest posting for dear Sig today :)

Signe and I have had MANY memorable sleepovers in the past and I thought I would share some fun things to do at one:

1. Watch home videos
2. Make fondue
3. Have a photo shoot
4. Watch TV (preferably Gossip Girl!!!!)
5. Watch "interesting" videos on Youtube
6. Stalk people on Facebook and other social networking sites....
7. Play Truth or Dare
8. Stay up WAY too late
9. Sneak downstairs at midnight for some chocolate :)
10. Straighten/curl/braid each other's hair
11. Look at yearbooks
12. Make a music video (if you are feeling musical...)
13. Pick out each other's outfits for the next morning
14. Have deep conversations after midnight
15. Watch more Gossip Girl
16. Eat pie and whipped cream for breakfast
17. Take selfies on photobooth



  1. y'all are too cute!!
    i would love to come to one of your sleepovers (in the most non-creepy way possible haha)!!

    1. haha we would be happy if you came (also in the most non-creepiest way possible)!!
