If any of my readers would ever like to contact me about fashion, hair and makeup, guest posting, life, blogging questions...anything, I would be happy to hear from you!
Please email me at signeleanna@gmail.com :)
I will also always try to answer questions in the comments!
This blog is written 100% by me with the exception of guest posts, written by people I am not affiliated with. I currently do not have a profession in beauty or fashion and I am not a life coach, so do not take everything I say seriously-- everything written on this blog is simply my opinions. I will occasionally post pictures involving my clothes or other things I own, but am not trying to brag in any way about it. Posting my outfits is simply me sharing my personal style and inspiring other bloggers. If any other bloggers or readers email me, I won't share your email with anyone else without your permission and will always keep your information private.