Monday, September 24, 2012

Over The Weekend...

This past weekend was very exciting!

As I mentioned before, on Friday I went to my homecoming football game. Then, Saturday morning, I had a little performance thingy at a mini marathon. (I was the "on-course entertainment") They even mentioned me on the website here!

It was fun, but FREEZING cold. 

Then Saturday evening, I went to homecoming!

Me before the dance. :)

The dance was a LOT better than the football game! I thought it was really fun. I started getting ready at like 5, then I went to my friend's house for dinner, then we went to a little pre-party. The people I came with didn't want to dance the entire time, which was nice! I'm definitely glad I went. My dress was perfect for the occasion! I was really surprised at how casual a few people were, though. Most people were pretty dressy, but I saw a few guys wearing jeans and a few girls wearing skirts or really casual dresses. I'm glad I dressed up!

On Sunday, cYa and I (plus my sister tagging along...) went pumpkin picking! We also made apple crisp

via instagram

Here's our DIY monogrammed pumpkins we made. There's a post on it over at Citrus and Style today; you should go check it out! 

Overall it was a great weekend! What did you do?

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