Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Week of School Recap + School Supplies

Hi everyone!

Overall I had a pretty good week of school. Even though I went to bed by 10 every night, I was still extremely exhausted waking up in the morning. I would be stumbling to the bathroom half asleep, the light would hurt my eyes, and I always get a headache...I hope I get used to waking up in the middle of the night because I don't want to deal with this for 9 more months. It is seriously unnatural to be awake before the sun rises. I woke up at 7:30 today, which is much more acceptable.

Today it is pretty cold, which means fall is here! I really don't want to do anything today. I may have to go over to Starbucks and get my first pumpkin spice latte of the season!

Anyway, by request, I have been asked to share my school supplies! I don't really think my school supplies are all that special, but it was kind of fun taking the pictures for this post. :)

This is my desk area where I do my homework. 
I have a little organizer thing from Office Max,
a cork board from Target, and the desk and 
chair are from Ikea. I do my homework here
or on my bed (since I can just open up my binders
and write in there.)

My desktop...yeah I just kind of put stuff in piles

Here's a picture of my corkboard. (sorry for bad lighting!)

This is my backpack! It is the Deluxe Book Pack
from LL Bean in Deep Aqua (monogrammed, as
you can tell). I absolutely LOVE it so far. It has 
a big part, a medium-sized part in front of that, 
and then the pocket thingy in the front with some 
extra zipper pouches. It is very comfortable to carry
around and has a ton of space to put my stuff. I love 
how it also has a phone/iPod compartment and 
those things on the side to hold your water bottle. 
It is also a generic design/color, but it is still cute
and I don't think I could get tired of it in a year. In
the big part I keep my binders and any textbooks, 
in the medium part I keep my pencil pouches, calculator,
agenda, and my schedule and bus info. In the pouch in
front I keep snacks, rubber bands for my braces,
and an ID case with my house keys, ID, theater pass,
and $5. In the other zipper things in the very front
I keep lip gloss, lotion, hand sanitizer, etc. 

These are my binders. I don't really do any of the fancy
labeling or anything. They are either 2 inch or 3 inch and
from Target. The pink one is my morning one and the blue
one is for the afternoon. I absolutely love just getting tabs
for my classes and having one thing to carry around the entire
morning or afternoon. Most teachers said to get a binder for 
their class, but I know for a fact that I personally cannot manage
that many binders. I have tried and failed and I know what
method of organization works for me. So I'm not obeying the 
teachers that say to get a separate binder for their classes. 
Some teachers said, however, that we need to have different
sections in our binder for notes/homework/tests etc., so I think
I will get those little tabs you stick on stuff and put them
within sections. 

Just a peek inside the blue one...

Here are my agendas. The one on the left is more of my
"assignment notebook" and is where I write down all my 
homework (from my school, obviously.) The one on the
right is Lilly Pulitzer (obviously...) and in the cutest sailboat
pattern! I used this for assignments last year but found it was
pretty small, so now I just use it as a calendar and stuff outside

A peek inside my assignment you can see,
not that interesting. I don't really take the time to highlight
the boxes and write in different colors and all that stuff. 

Last year, E thought I should get an agenda makeover...
so every day in study hall she would write down my assignments
in her special pens and stuff, haha. 

Here are the 2 textbooks I currently have at home. I thought I would
have to drag heavy textbooks everywhere but it is really not that bad. 
The algebra one stays at my house so I don't have to worry about that. 
I just had to take the theater one home cause our class was behind a day.
My one for science stays at school. My literature one may have to
come from home to class sometime in the future, though. 

Here are my pencil pouches, some colored pencils, and a calculator. 
The big one is where I keep scissors, glue, tape etc. because I find 
those things essential. I bought it for like $8 or something at an art 
museum gift shop. I may have to add a stapler and a hole punch, because
there are very annoying teachers who demand a binder for their class
and then NEVER hole punch their handouts. The smaller one is where
I keep pencils and pens and is from Lilly Pulitzer. I don't think it is 
available anymore though. I also find colored pencils soooo handy
because it's always nice to have your own set when you have to do things
that involve coloring. The calculator is self explanatory...

Lastly, here is my ID case. It is in the Vera Bradley pattern 
Pink Elephants, which I got for Christmas in 4th grade. (first thing 
from VB ever!) Even though it doesn't exist anymore this is like 
my favorite pattern and love these ID cases. I keep my ID in that part
there, then inside I have $5 and my theater pass. My house key and
a decorative flower is attached on the side. :)

I hope you enjoyed seeing my school supplies! What do yours look like?

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