Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School

Hi guys!

So, I successfully survived my first day of school! Two days, actually...I was going to write this post yesterday but had no idea what to say. I still don't have anything interesting- it was a pretty basic first day of school. So I thought it would be fun to share a schedule of how my day went and you could compare it to yours!

Wake up. I thought I wouldn't want to get out of bed, but surprisingly when my alarm went off I freaked out and ran out of bed, haha.

Go get ready in the bathroom.

Get dressed and brush my hair.

Eat breakfast.

Get all my stuff and drive to school!

Arrive at school. When I got there, there was this red carpet leading into the school and ALL the teachers were standing around it clapping and there was this musical was so awkward!

Go to homeroom. I already knew who the kids in my classes and teachers were because I walked my schedule and sat down with my class and teachers to talk for five minutes at orientation. I'm so glad we did this- I would have been SO much more anxious if I had no idea what was going on.

Go to Spanish. Spanish is not exactly my favorite subject, but the teacher was nice, I had a friend in my class, and for homework she assigned for us to color a name tag. :)

Go to math! I don't particularly like times I kind of hate it. I'm not sure what I think of my teacher yet. But she seems like a good teacher and she gave us easy homework. My math class is like dead silent so it's really easy to pay attention.

Walk to acting. I am really happy I'm taking acting because I love it, but also so I get to know the director of the musicals and plays which is something I will definitely be doing. The only sad part is he doesn't allow food in his class and this is my morning snack time!

Go to health/PE. PE in high school seems a LOT better than middle school PE! Gym in middle school was awful because all we did was play basketball, soccer, baseball, etc. and no one learned anything about fitness or even got any exercise besides the 5 really competitive guys. Now we get to do things like biking, fitness walking, pilates, etc. which is a lot more my style. The actual health class will be quite interesting....

Go to science. For the most part, my science class seems pretty easy since it's not honors or anything and my teacher is really nice. The only homework I have gotten so far from her is following directions to fold a paper boat. I just wish I had lunch at this time!

LUNCH!!! Finally!!! Luckily I have found a good group of people to sit with.

Go to English. I actually haven't had English yet since the first day it was combined with Social Studies and today we had a freshman meeting.

Walk to Social Studies. I actually haven't had a proper S.S. class yet since it was combined with English (they call it Humanities.)

Go home!!! I had to take the bus for the first time in my life...first I went to my bus number then they said it was wrong, then they told me to go to the same one, then I got on the wrong one and tried to convince my bus driver that it was my bus, then I realized I had the wrong number and finally found my bus. :)

Well that was longer than I expected...sorry if you got bored reading me rambling on about a detailed schedule of my day, haha.

What was your school day like?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun day! I'm glad you like it sweetie :-)
    My first day consisted of getting lost, a lot! Apparently figuring out where our classes are is not number one on their priority list at the orientation....
