I try to work out often. Sometimes, with homework and other stuff, I don't have time. But I try! You're supposed to work out at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes, and I usually go for an hour, sooo...anyway, I thought I'd share what I do over the week!
The Gym
I don't really refer to the gym as "the gym"...it just sounds weird...I call it the name of what it's actually called. Anyway, I try to go at least twice a week, and this is what I do:
- Walk for 10 minutes on the treadmill and stretch.
- Go for 20-30 minutes on the elliptical.
- Do 30 crunches on that thing where you put your back up against that ball and lift your legs...
- Go for 10 minutes on the revolving stair stepper thing. (I am so bad at describing exercise equipment...)
- Finally, go in the stretching area and stretch.
Gym Class
I do actually count gym class as working out because I often do get good exercise! In middle school, we didn't really do anything in gym, but now we are actually doing some fitness-related things. I have gym twice or three times a week. We always do sit ups, push ups, and then something like biking or running.
Other than that, when it's not winter I go on bike rides often. I used to do ballet, but I stopped this year. Now I will be starting yoga soon!
Here is my favorite workout outfit!
This Taylor Swift "Mine" t-shirt
and these running shorts!
My shoes aren't too exciting...
What do you do to work out and what do you wear?