Friday, August 10, 2012

50th Post

Hello everyone!

This is a very important post because it is my 50th post. I have accomplished a lot so far with my blog and very happy that I've started it. But there's still a lot I need to improve.

When I started my blog, I expected it to be a place where I could talk a lot about my life and love for fashion. My first three posts, I think, were very life-oriented but because of my viewers, I kind of spiraled off into talking only about fashion. I would love to know if you would like to hear something similar to that style (the thought-out important stuff) or just me rambling on about stuff I like (which is pretty much what I'm doing now.)

Second of all, I'd like to attract more of a crowd to my blog. It seems that all my followers are preppy blogs, and I wasn't intending mine to be one of the "preppy" blogs. (I love that you all are following and commenting, though, and it's not like I have anything against you- I like preppy style!)  What I would really like to work on doing is getting more open-fashion readers, along with people who are just blogging about their life or the things I sometimes talk about (like music.) Did you have any methods of getting your blog out there? How did you find other blogs similar to yours?

Lastly, I really want to make my blog better, so any advice would be appreciated! I think I'm going to try to improve it design-wise and also add more features. If there is anything in particular you'd like to see from me, please let me know.

Thanks to all of my readers who have been reading my blog!


  1. HAPPY 50th POST SIGBUTT!!!!! I think your blog is great, and I would love to hear some craft ideas and recipes because you are so talented at that!! Some new features would be cool too :)

  2. aww congrats on your 50th post!! i love everything about your blog now, but i would love to see more ootds! also, craft projects are really fun to read about!
    as for getting your blog out there, i recommend going to your favorite blog and following everyone who comments on their posts! just keep going through every single one of your favorite blog's posts and keep following!
