Friday, June 22, 2012


Hi everyone!

Yesterday cYa was at my house and we decided to make my cookies. We made normal sized ones and then one GIANT one....

I am eating one right now, actually, and they are pretty good, except for they are really hard. cYa put in powdered sugar instead of regular sugar. Ugh. 

Anyway, I started my yoga class on Tuesday. I did yoga last summer with the same instructor who specializes with teen yoga. I totally forgot what a great activity it is! It is relaxing, good exercise, and good practice for focus. I'm thinking about signing up during the school year because it would be a great way to focus and relieve stress. 

I think my favorite part of yoga class is being in the room. It is dimly lit, there is tropical music, and there is a buddha! When we start class, we usually start with sun salutation. Then we pick one thing to focus on, usually it's a certain muscle. At the end we do havashima (I don't know how to spell it) which is when we just lay there and the instructor describes a setting. After I leave the class, I feel relaxed and worry-free!

Yoga is a great activity because it develops your strength, flexibility, and focus. I also love it because it is so noncompetitive. I love the way that you get a workout during yoga while practicing relaxation and focus. It's a great connection  between your mind and body. 

Here is my yoga outfit! (Yes, it's in the morning, so my hair looks bad and I'm wearing my glasses....)

If you want to try something new this summer, I highly recommend signing up for yoga. You will be glad you did!

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