Saturday, June 9, 2012

Today Is My Birthday.

     Well, today is my birthday and I'm finally 14. I'm not as into my birthday as I used to be because I am not as greedy for presents anymore and feel weird when people give me attention. The only present I got from my parents was a ring. My mom took my shopping a few days ago, but that was it. I am taking my friends out to dinner tomorrow, though, which should be fun. I actually forgot it was my birthday this morning until my sister burst into my room with balloons and started singing. It seems like ages ago since I turned 13. A year ago from yesterday I saw Taylor Swift in concert for the first time, but that seems like just yesterday. So many things were different on my last birthday. A year ago today I was on my last day of school field trip. We went to a summer camp where we could do anything we wanted. It was 63 degrees, raining, and I was extremely tired from the concert the night before. (Not to mention that my friends and I spent day the day trying to canoe away from our stalker....long story.) That was a pretty bad birthday. I remember feeling like it was going to be a year just like any other with my same old friends. Maybe it was even going to be lucky, since Taylor Swift's lucky number is 13 and Taylor Swift was what I lived for back then. Looking back, I had NO IDEA that 13 was going to be the unluckiest year of my life....I'm not going to go into details. I figured out how to write songs that people would actually want to listen to last year, though, and I'm really happy about that. (Maybe that's where Taylor's aura of 13 stepped in.) I guess everybody needs an unlucky year, though. Otherwise you would never want to grow up, and everybody needs to learn lessons so they can do that. Now that I'm 14, the unluckiness has left me, I guess. Who knows- maybe 14 will be my lucky number. And I sure hope freshman year will be better than 8th grade.


  1. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! 14 ohh yeahhh we are going to be freshmen :-) I hope this year is "luckier"!

    love ya boo


    1. Haha thanks!!! Yeah I know that post was kinda weird and reflectful haha
