Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hi guys!

I just picked up my script for the musical I'm doing, The Music Man! I'm REALLY excited about it and was originally going to make my whole post on that, but I don't think any of my readers are into theatre so I guess I will just skip that....

Instead, I'm going to talk about my glasses. I've had glasses since the summer going into third grade. At first they were little kid's pink wire ones with green ends. When I was in fourth grade, my prescription changed and I got another pair of kid's pink ones with little flower designs on the side to match my friend (she had them in silver.) When I was in sixth grade, it changed again so I switched up to adult glasses and got some gangster looking rectangle gold glasses that I thought matched my hair but were wayyy to big on me! But thankfully, in sixth grade I got contacts so I never had to wear the gold ones except for at night and in the morning. In eighth grade, it changed AGAIN (yes, at this rate I will be blind by 25). By this time, I was thinking of glasses as more of an accessory and not just some annoying thing to have on my face. That is why I decided to get these ADORABLE Coach tortoise shell glasses. (Bad picture, I know...I took it right after I got them which was a few months ago. I look so pale compared to now!)

Overall I really love them and are glasses that I would actually love to wear in public as an accessory. They are the perfect size, perfect shape, perfect color, and are sooo comfortable. Another cute thing about them is that they have the Coach different colored stripes on the inside! 

Do you have glasses? What do they look like?

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