Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Taylor Swift

     I've been dying to get to an OOTD post, but that will probably have to be tomorrow since I haven't gotten to all the pictures yet! So to fill in the space, I decided to talk about Taylor Swift. My friends who read this blog will probably be annoyed, but I figured I have to introduce my obsession with her because it may reappear in the future.

      I just have to say it that I think she is the best singer-songwriter celebrity around. It really bothers me when people catagorize her alongside Selena Gomez, The Jonas Brothers, etc. because she's not that at all. Taylor does draw the same crowd of fans, but there's a difference in the personality. Selena Gomez  will die out in a few years and The Jonas Brothers already pretty much have. But according to John Bon Jovi, "She's the real deal. She's going to be around for a very long time. I think she's going to be the next Loretta Lynn."

     And it's very true. Taylor is so different from any young celebrity because she has real determination and motivation, which is something she's had all her life. She decided her career path when she was 11 years old and she's keeping it strong at only 22. She wrote her last album, Speak Now, completely by herself, which no other singer has ever done these days. It went platinum in the first week, and she was only 20.

     Another thing is she is just so mature. When she was 18, she started managing herself and became the C.E.O of her own company. People have referred to her as "a 45-year-old in an 18-year-old's body." Sadly, it gets covered up because of the crowd of fans she draws. People say, "I hate Taylor Swift. Her songs all sound the same." Then I ask them to name five of her songs besides Love Story or You Belong With Me. They never can.

     But the thing is, her songs DON'T sound all the same. And she's an amazing songwriter. She wrote Love Story in 20 minutes on her bedroom floor. That song went #1 not only on Billboard but on Mediabase top 40, making her the first country music singer in history to do so- at 18. She wrote her first #1 song ever at only 14- and she did it by herself, with no co-writers. Actually, most of her first album she wrote her freshman year of high school, and the album was a break-out hit. Unlike every pop singer on the radio singing about partying, she sang about something real that real people were going through.

     Taylor Swift is a major role model for every young girl. She knows that she has to think about thousands of people watching her, which is just what comes along with being able to live her dream. She doesn't mind giving up her privacy, because all she wants to do is "make music." She loves spending time with her fans because "it's all I can do to give up 30 seconds of my day for someone who has given up hours for me."

     Well, that was a very brief insight into what I love about Taylor but I hope it made you like her a bit more or know more about her if you didn't. Taylor is also what inspired me to start playing guitar and songwriting. Her new album is coming out in October and she has a new single coming out this summer, so if you usually don't listen to Taylor Swift, you should. I know it will be amazing.

These are some of my favorite lyrics Taylor has written:

From "Tied Together With A Smile"
Guess it's true that love was all you wanted
Cause you're giving it away like it's extra change
Hopin' it will end up in his pocket
But he leaves you out like a penny in the rain
But it's not his price to pay
Not his price to pay

From "Dear John"
You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests
All the girls that you've run dry
Have tired, lifeless eyes cause you burned them out
But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town


  1. Lately there has been a rumor that she and Harry Styles could possibly begin dating! I think they would not make a good couple! What do you think?! Harry is too "Look at me.. I'm amazing!" and Taylor is just like, a very respectful person and I think that if they did date, they wouldn't last very long.... Hahahah

    1. I've heard that too but she says it's not true. I don't know, I think they'd be a bad couple haha...

    2. Haha thats good- everyone thinks that they'd be a bad couple.... She's also taller then him so I think that would be a little awkward..
