Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Plans

     Hopefully I will be getting to a fashion-related post soon, but today I thought I would talk about my summer plans. It doesn't really feel like summer this year, maybe because 8th grade was a blur and the teachers didn't really get us excited for summer and had us do work up until the last minute. I was more excited for summer back in March, and now that it's here...everything just feels the same. Anyway, I have a lot of stuff planned out!

In June:
*I am taking a fashion design class.
*I start working at the library.
*I am doing a one-week recording program where I get to learn about recording studios and record my songs. (I have wanted to do this so bad since last summer, and now I'm finally old enough!)

In July:
*I'm auditioning for and going to be in The Music Man.
*I'm going to a wedding in Michigan.
*I'm going to Ontario for a few days.

In August:
*I'm going up north to my cottage for a few days.
*Since I don't have anything big planned this month, I will probably go sing and play guitar at some open mic nights.
*And finally, I'll be hanging out with friends, going to the pool, and enjoying some cook-outs with family.

I'm really happy I have just the right amount of things to keep me busy this summer! Overall, I'm excited to have some down time, spend a few days on mini vacations, and the chance to take part in the activities I want. Besides my planned stuff, I have a list of other fun things I want to do this summer.

- Go to the beach.
- Have a picnic.
- Camp out in my tent.
- Exercise more! (since I may be stopping ballet)
- Spend time reading instead of on the computer.
- Write a part of a song every day.
- Fix my sewing machine and start using it.

What are you doing this summer?


  1. Super lovely blog! Delightful to read!


  2. Looooooove the list dear-- hmmm design class huh? :D

  3. Is the design class the Fashion & interior Design one at USM? I think I might be taking that, but I'm not sure yet

    xoxo, Frannie
