Monday, October 8, 2012

Throwback Monday.

...because I don't care if it's not Thursday!

Anyway,  I haven't been posting much lately and really felt I should be doing a post today. However, I have nothing to post about. I was thinking about doing a TBT post in the style of Instagram, so I thought I would just do it today!

I thought I would maybe do a few from each year of middle school, because those will be the most entertaining. :)

Summer going into 6th grade. This is my sister and I in South Dakota. 

6th grade- an EXTREMELY awkward stage! This picture cracks me up!  But for some reason, my sister always looked fine....

Oh my god. Look at my outfit. Hahahahahahahha!

4th of July, going into 7th grade. As you can see I lost the glasses, however I am still awkward.

This was my first day of 7th grade. In case you were wondering why my hair is having an explosion on the right side, it is because I accidentally got a curling brush stuck in half of my hair over the summer and had to cut it out- leaving that side short and sticking up when pushed back with a headband.

Halloween in 7th grade! My friend E and I were peacocks! 

Oh my gosh, my face in this picture....I had the WEIRDEST smile.....I think it's hilarious how my sister looked fine then and now, cause she is in 7th grade currently! I also went through a weird style phase in 7th grade. I wore black often and tried to dress fancy like every day. (I most likely wore that outfit to school.)

This is me on spring break in 7th grade. My family went to Nashville, TN and Hilton Head Island SC. It was one of my favorite trips ever! I had begged my parents to go to Nashville because I wanted to see Taylor Swift's apartment, record label, high school, favorite coffee shop, etc...that was when I had a SUPER obsession with Taylor Swift! It has gotten a lot better now. 

In the summer going into 8th grade, we went to Ireland. I had to add a picture cause I love the pictures from this trip! As you can see, the awkwardness is slowly subsiding. 

This was me last summer after a musical. Probably my favorite musical I have ever done!

Me and E last Halloween as the white and black swan!

This is me and my sister on the first day of 8th grade. So much has changed in a year! (Yes, she was starting 6th grade. Where was her awkward stage?...)

Here is my in Colorado, over spring break in 8th grade. 

Well, that was quite a trip down memory lane! I had so much fun going through these pictures and I hope you had fun having a peek into my middle school life. I have changed so much over the past three years it's insane! 

I thought it would be appropriate to end this post with a picture of me, now. :)

Now I challenge you all to do a throwback post, from whatever era in your life you wish!


  1. aww this was a cute post!! that little story about you getting a curling brush stuck in your hair was HILARIOUS!

  2. ahh so cute! haha i'm so glad you didn't put any pictures of our little "shows" on there.... haha!

  3. Where did you get your current/8th grade lunch box & bag? So cute! Love the idea of this post!

  4. hi! omg your blog is amazing.. Im going to start one so soon. I hope you keep updating your blog!
