Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, but this year I didn't do much. I didn't think I was going dress up for the party I usually go to, but my friends were so I decided to just be a cat at the last minute. (The party was quite boring so we left after an hour.)

 I just wore cat ears, a black hoodie, black leggings, black flats, and Halloween socks with cats on them.

Here are some costumes from past years... 

Me in 2nd grade: Pippi Longstocking!

^^ My favorite movie at age 7. 

7th grade- peacocks!

8th grade- black and white swans!

Did you dress up for Halloween?

EDIT: After I was wondering why I was the only person who did a Halloween post, I realized it's because it's not actually felt like Halloween though cause trick-or-treating in my neighborhood was today. :)


  1. So cute! Where were you when you took the cute selfie? It doesn't look like your house......

    1. I think I was in that area going to down to my basement but I'm not positive haha
