Saturday, November 24, 2012

Guest Post :: Citrus and Style

Hello Significantly Styled readers!

It's Caroline from guest posting for Signe today.

Since the holidays are quickly approaching, I thought I could give you all some handy tips on how to take fab pictures!

{Find the perfect light} 
Try to get the sun to shine on you. Or, try having the sun behind you for an interesting effect.

{Zoom in on one object}
Try to zoom in on one particular object, and then the background will look blurry. This causes the main object to appear more "special".

{Get an interesting angle}
A good angle can make or break a shot. An interesting one will really catch your eye!

{Take a video for motion shots}
If you want a clear, action shot, take a video and then go back and use those clips for pictures. I constantly do this on my iPhone and it works really well!

{Have a good photo editor}
I have a bunch of great apps on my phone to edit pictures (for Instagram especially!). My favorite is definitely Picfx because you can add little light dots and hearts! I also recommend having some kind of grid app to make a little picture collage.

I hope you all enjoyed this post, and be sure to check out my blog, Citrus and Style!

Do you have any other tips?

1 comment:

  1. i love the idea of taking a video and then stopping it on a certain frame! i've never thought about doing that! thanks for the tips:)
