Saturday, December 29, 2012


Hello everyone!

I am back to blogging, finally! After not blogging for almost a month, my friend said she missed my posts so I decided to start again. I was completely overwhelmed with school and everything for the past month and besides not having the time, I just didn't really feel like blogging. But I felt like it today, so I decided to update you on my winter break life through instagram.

First of all, a cute Christmas throwback! As you can see, I was happy with santa and my sister was not...

This was from December 21, when I thought the sunset from my window kind of looked like a fireball headed from my house. I didn't think the world was going end and I thought it was funny reading about the reactions of the people who quit their jobs because they thought it was going to. I know that a lot of strictly religious Christians thought it was "God's time" or whatever, but the reason I was so confused is that it says in the First Testament of the Bible after the flood dries up and Noah and his animals get off his ark that God said that he'd never destroy mankind again. Soooo...were they missing something??...

Here are some presents under the tree! I mostly got clothes and stuff, besides a blanket with Taylor Swift's album cover on it. :)

Our Christmas card for 2012. 

We didn't really go anywhere for Christmas this year...we just had dinner at my aunt's house on Sunday and then celebrated as a family on the 24 and 25. Zoe and I made these cute cookies while at her house!

It's a family tradition to have Chinese on Christmas Eve. Then we usually go to church. (I'm Lutheran so there's no midnight mass or any of that stuff.) *Funny story*: So while we were eating dinner I spilled like all the sweet and sour sauce on the tablecloth. Then my mom started yelling at me. However, my dad picks up a piece of chicken and dips it in the puddle of sauce. Our Christmas day was pretty low key. Our family opened presents in the morning and then I went to go see a movie.

This was the cute coat that I got from Anthropologie! 

My sister, my mom, and I went out to lunch on Thursday. We literally tried taking a cute picture of us for like 15 minutes but my sister wouldn't cooperate....

How has your winter break been?


  1. I'm glad I'm that friend who told you to come back ;)

  2. i've missed your posts! my brother is the same exact way about taking pictures, i didn't even know it was possible for a boy to have so many weird/funny faces!
    glad you're back
