Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

Hello readers!

Tonight I would like to thank Chloe from The Preppy Diaries for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog award!

Since I have been nominated, I have to share 7 things about myself. 

1. My favorite colors switch off a bit, but currently they are a bright royal blue and bright fuschia.  

2. I have over 70 of Taylor Swift's unreleased demos. 

3. Besides fashion, I love music. I play guitar, piano, sing, and write songs. 

4. I have traveled to three different continents so far and hope to travel to all of them!

5. I used to have a guinea pig, but then it died because its cage was outside for a while and it got too hot...I know, sad. :( Now I have a beta fish named Spade and a cat named Lucy. 

6. I have synesthesia, a condition where letters, numbers, and sometimes sound all seem to have different colors to you. 

7. My favorite gum flavor is Extra Spearmint or 5 Grape, but I can never have gum because my mom never lets me buy any. 

Now, I have to nominate other bloggers I admire! If I let you know if I have nominated you, then put a link on your blog back to my blog and share seven facts about yourself. 

Thanks for reading my facts, now I want to hear from all my nominees! 

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