Sunday, September 9, 2012

Style Inspiration from Nancy Drew

Recently I watched the movie Nancy Drew for the first time in a while. I have seen it a million times because it is a REALLY good movie (if you have nothing to do you should all go watch it). At some parts the whole "mystery" gets creepy but it has a happy ending and is overall one of my favorite movies. But Nancy's 60's inspired, classic style totally caught my attention again and inspired me to make this post!

Her dress during the party scene was adorable!

The funniest part of the movie was when these 2 girls, who hate Nancy's style, try to take her to the mall to "fix" it. 

The people at the store end up dissing their style and taking pictures of Nancy's dress for a magazine. 

I decided to create some outfits on Polyvore that reflect the things Nancy loves to wear!

Nancy is really into simplicity, and penny loafters + trench coat + straight leg dark wash jeans was something she wore a lot of in the movie. 

This is similar to what Nancy wore to her school basketball game. Nancy also loved to wear a locket and a cardigan tied around her shoulders with a dress.

This outfit would be just perfect to wear out on a fall day! Nancy was also big on plaid, moccasins, and cloche hats. 

I hope this inspired you! Have you ever seen the movie Nancy Drew?


  1. so cute! i completely forgot how adorable her style is!!

  2. omg I am in love with outfit #3 that you put together!
